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GraphiX Conn...

Families rebuilt

This is Us and our Journey. God is so good.

This is Us...

One of the few pictures of all of us together at the same time since the older your children get the more they are away but, it is their time to fly and make their own way. This you can be proud of. (Although we like for them to learn and be with us as long as it takes for them to feel comfortable so they are ready to leave) We do miss them a lot.

Our early days shown here are some of the best and fondest memories we share. This area from our spot for our Wedding Night. This is a later time afterwards, to show our children. This is a wonderful moment in time.

That was then, this is NOW.

Not a better time.

This was a hard time I was having because of how I felt about myself. I was so unsure that God was not with me and I was alone even with all my family around me. The trauma of what all has been done and my decisions I regret that I made for myself with the "doctors" from Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem NC weighed on me and still does for what they did. I have forgiven them of their practices of what they decided to do to me but the techniques they used are still barbaric in comparison to the care I received in Houston Texas at the MD Anderson Cancer Hospital that our Lord really pushed and made all that possible for myself and my family to stay there and put me back together.

To Access GraphiX, Pay $11.95 to in PayPal. Be sure to leave your name and true email address so I can send the access link to the correct address. Once you have access it will be $7. per month to maintain your link. If none payment by the 30 day mark, link will be revoked. Thank you for your payment. Your proceeds will be collected and added to more corrective surgeries that I need your help to get. There are no refunds once you have paid and accessed the page. Thank You.

GraphiX Conn...